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Assessment Policy

Assessment policy

Our Assessment policy aims to:

  • Provide clear guidelines on our approach to formative and summative assessment
  • Establish a consistent and coherent approach to recording summative assessment outcomes and reporting to parents
  • Clearly set out how and when assessment practice will be monitored and evaluated


Assessment at Farsley Springbank is an integral part of teaching and learning. It is a continual process and is incorporated systematically into our teaching strategies with the aim of promoting better than expected progress for all pupils. Our aim is to ensure high quality teaching is supported and informed by our various types of assessment, allowing teachers to respond accurately to the learning needs of every pupil, including those with SEND. Pupils have an active role in their own assessment, identifying their own learning needs and how they could improve their work. They are continually encouraged to be reflective and have a good understanding of their own strengths and how they can develop their learning further. All our assessment has a clear purpose and is done without adding unnecessarily to teachers’ workload.


The full assessment policy can be found below.
