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Summer 2 Week 6 14.7.23



This week in Understanding the World we have been talking about the transition to Year 1. We have explored how changes make us feel and we read a story about a caterpillar who was a bit nervous and worried about turning into a butterfly, however when she did change she found it was really fun being a butterfly. We talked about the fact that it is absolutely ok to have lots of different feelings and that talking about our feelings helps us to make sense of them. We have thought about the things we enjoy doing, what we are good at and what we’d like to improve at and also our hopes and wishes for the future.


This week in maths we have been looking at shape. We have been manipulating and rotating shapes to create new ones and change the dimensions, such as using smaller squares to make new larger squares or to make different rectangles. The children have used some great mathematical language and reasoning to explain their thinking.


We have also all played Numbots this week. All children have chosen a robot and a robot name (unless they had already set this up previously) and have been given a password on a piece of paper to take home so that they can access the games at home. Either google ‘Numbots’ and go to pupil login ( or download the Numbots app onto a tablet to access this amazing resource.


Next week in maths we will be counting on and back, showing more and fewer and spotting mistakes in repeating patterns.


Next week is of course our last week in school and it is a very busy week too! The theme of the week is Health Week and we will be learning about a variety of different ways to be healthy including looking after our teeth, how to eat healthily, washing hands and talking about different feelings. We will be making fruit smoothies and taking part in a dance session. On Monday we will take part in a Sports Gala and on Wednesday we have Fun Morning which should be lots of fun! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for dry weather. The disco is also taking place on Thursday after school. A busy and fun week to finish off a wonderful year in reception.


We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team
