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School Day

Our School Day

As can be seen below, the official start of the school day is at 8.45am. However we open the doors fifteen minutes earlier to allow children to come into school gradually if they wish to (find out more about early opening below).  All teachers and teaching assistants are in the classrooms from 8.30am to welcome the children into school. 

There is a member of staff on duty in the KS2 playground before school starts from 8.15am to enable parents and carers to drop off their children who are in Years 3 to 6, confident in the knowledge they are safe and being supervised.  Parents are expected to supervise Reception and KS1 children until they go into school.


Doors open to school 8.30am
School officially starts 8.45am
Registration 8.45am - 8.50am
Morning Learning time 8.50am - 10.30am
KS1 Playtime 10.30am - 10.45am
KS2 Playtime 10.55am-11.10am
Morning Learning time for KS1

10.45am - 12pm  

Morning Learning time for KS2 10.55am - 12.15pm
Reception Lunchtime 11.45am-12.45pm
KS1 Lunchtime 12.00pm-1.00pm
KS2 Lunchtime 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Afternoon Learning time for KS1 1.00pm-3.15pm
Afternoon Learning time for KS2 1.15pm - 3.15pm
Afternoon Playtime for KS1 only 2.00pm-2.15pm
School finishes 3.15pm


Early Opening from 8.30am

If the children choose to come into school early, we encourage them to use the time for something they feel they need to do to develop a sense of independence.

  • practicing handwriting, spelling or time tables
  • time for reading
  • extra practice at something they feel they need work on such as maths
  • time to chat to the staff and friends
  • using ICT technologies


Here is what the children think about being able to come into school early if they wish.


'It makes the start of the day better...calmer and quicker.'


'Gives you a chance to wake up properly and get going before the day really starts.'


'It's a good idea because if you have something particular you want to do, it gives you the chance to do it.'


'You can practice your times tables and spellings so you know them really well for the test.'


'You can read in home you get disturbed by mini-people!'


'If you're not confident on your maths work, you have more time to practice and do extra challenges and the teachers are there to help.'


'It gives me more time to push myself and get better at my work.'


'You can finish off your work and it gives you a chance not to rush.'


'I don't feel as lonely as before sometimes I would waiting in the playground on my own because my friends hadn't arrived at school yet.  Now I can go straight into school and do something fun until my friends arrive.'

An example timetable of the day

We teach a broad and balanced curriculum.  Below is an example of a KS2 class timetable. Parents are sent a timetable for their child's class in September.
