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Spring 2 Week 3 8.3.24



This week the children have been learning how to write the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk. We have been orally retelling the story using our story maps and working on writing sentences using our phonic knowledge.


In maths we have been using a variety of equipment to make 10 in different ways. We have made 10 in 2 parts and also 3 parts using stories and characters. We have learnt to recognise doubles as the same amount added again and we have made doubles using ten frames and counters. You can use a small mirror to make doubles by putting some objects (up to 5) on a surface and putting the mirror next to the objects. How many can you see now?


This week we also had a wonderful day on Thursday dressing up for World Book Day. Thank you so much for all your support in providing costumes for your children. They looked fantastic! We enjoyed a parade in assembly where each class showed off their outfits, a trip to the school library to enjoy a story, DEAR time (drop everything and read) where we all stopped and chose a book to read and other activities including making our own story books. Having chatted about going to the library, it was lovely to find out just how many of our reception children use Farsley library. This is such a great resource on our doorstep to help nurture a real love of reading and books.


This website gives ideas about how you can celebrate World Book Day at home:


Next week is Science week where we will be taking part in a range of activities. We will be learning about dissolving, floating and sinking, how to keep our teeth healthy and we will be exploring magnets too. We also have an exciting owl experience to look forward to.


In maths next week we will be learning about 3D shape and 3 step repeating patterns.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!


The Reception team
