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Week 13 (Sum 2 Wk 6) 06.07.20-10.07.20

Hi Year 6,

I hope you're all keeping well and have been managing the new style of home learning well. Please remember that we are still here for you if you need anything at all. 

I am well aware that for a lot of you, it might be getting somewhat repetitive with the types of tasks you need to do which is why I've really tried to find something slightly different this week. Uploaded below is a pack which all revolves around a central theme. There are 17 activities in the booklet and it is up to you how you split these up over your five days. Remember when it comes to high school, how you manage your work is really important so this will hopefully give you a taster of that. I would definitely suggest not leaving all 17 until Friday and trying to split them up over the days. 

I have also linked some of the Oak Academy lessons as well which you can choose to do to break up the home learning pack. 

As always, we are just an email away if you need us.

Miss B
