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Accessibility Plan

Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to:

  • Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum
  • Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided
  • Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils


Our school aims to treat all its pupils fairly and with respect. This involves providing access and opportunities for all pupils without discrimination of any kind.


At Farsley Springbank we aim to provide a caring and nurturing environment where all children achieve their potential, becoming confident individuals and successful learners who can work collaboratively and communicate effectively. Through responsive and reflective teaching and a curriculum which is engaging, relevant, challenging and fun, our children are able to develop the skills they need to become lifelong learners and to have a love of learning. We promote the importance of respect and community and aim for our children to become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and show respect towards all others. We encourage our children to demonstrate resilience and perseverance when faced with challenge as it is our overarching aim for everyone at Farsley Springbank to ‘Be the best you can be’.


At Farsley Springbank Primary School we continuously strive to ensure that everyone in our community is treated with respect and dignity. Everyone will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop to their full potential with positive regard to gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, sexuality or disability.


Our Accessibility Plan is available below and paper copies are available upon request.​​​​​​​
