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Summer 2 Week 5 9.7.21



This week in reception we began our maps topic. We have been looking at a range of maps: interactive maps such as Google Earth, large floor maps, in books and even creating map jigsaws. The children have been learning about the features of maps and how we use them. We have also looked at how our world is made up, using terms such as town, city, country and continent. You may like to have a go singing this catchy song at home all about the continents of the world, shown in size order and also on a map:


In maths we have been exploring and investigating relationships between numbers and shapes. The children have been using Cuisenaire rods to explore how numbers are made up. We have also been doing lots of practice of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


On Wednesday we had our Pirate Day! It was such a fun day filled with lots of different pirate-themed activities, such as digging for treasure in the sand, making pirate hats and pirate faces, using jewels and treasure in the playdough, singing pirate songs with lots of actions, reading pirate stories, writing pirate stories and creating Wanted posters for scary pirates and counting out our treasure. There were also lots of fantastic pirate maps! The children got into the spirit of the day brilliantly with some amazing outfits and pirate impressions and we all had lots of fun.


In maths next week, we will be learning more about how to create maps, using sequencing language such as first, next, then, after that and finally. We will be exploring different directions more through games and activities. You might like to play some directional games at home, using language such as ‘take 3 steps forward’, ‘turn to your left’, ‘take 2 steps backwards’, ‘turn to your right’. Can you guide each other across a room or from one point to another?


In Talk for Writing next week we will be looking at instructional texts and will be writing our own instructions for how to make a jam sandwich.


Just a reminder to apply suncream before school and make sure your child has their sunhat and water each day. Also, on PE days, if your child has long hair please can you ensure your child’s hair is tied up.


Thank you again for your continued support. Please feel free to continue to send any photos or videos of your child’s activities at home, as they really help to build a full picture of your child’s progress or experiences.


The Reception Team
