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Health Week

The whole school has taken part in our annual Health Week this week.  Miss Jenkins led ‘Wake up Shake up’ in the playground first thing to get our heart rates up, leaving everyone raring to go!  Health week is not just about physical health and activity but also covers keeping ourselves safe and healthy, emotional and mentally.  The days have been packed with lots of super activities that cover all different aspects of health.


We welcomed D: Side for two days, who delivered a drugs education lesson to each class. The main focus was about developing strategies to avoid and deal with peer pressure and this ran through the different topics each year group covered; Year 3 looked at smoking, Year 4 alcohol, Year 5 solvents and Year 6 substance abuse. All our children learn about drugs education through our PSHE curriculum but it is always interesting when visitors come with their specialist knowledge to teach the children even more and help the children develop further strategies to keep themselves safe.


We have looked at healthy eating and nutrition and the children have played top trumps using nutritional information.  Year 3 have also designed a healthy packed lunch and work around the different food groups.


The children have taken part in acitvities around emotional well-being using emotion cards; this lead to constructive discussions about feelings when considering different senarios. 


Year 5 and 6 have revised learning from earlier in the year around sex and relationship education.


We always aim to be really active at Springbank but this week we have been more active than usual with all children having the opportunity to play games of table tennis. Active bingo was extremely energetic and brilliant fun. The whole school took part in a multi-activity afternoon where they had the chance to work in teams that were mixed across the year groups. We also held an intra-school cricket tournament where very year group competed in the house teams...we are awaiting the results!


So all in all, it has been an action packed three days; have a look at some of the photographs showing all the fun we have has this week!


