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Year 5 Restaurant Evenings

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings of last week Year 5 worked extremely hard at running their restaurants as part of their enterprise ‘Can you run your own restaurant?’ topic. The children have been really enthusiastic about the topic since the start.  At the beginning they made a visit to Deeva so they could investigate and find out how to run a successful restaurant.  The topic has incorporated different subjects; in literacy they planned and wrote their persuasive menus and recording radio adverts for their restaurant; in science they looked at healthy eating and some of the maths has involved calculating costs, ratio and proportion and working out profit and not to mention the ICT skills they have used. 
The children had a £20 budget with which to work and went up to Asda to do the shopping themselves.  Shopping has never been so exciting!
Over the two nights we had Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurant being run throughout the school. There were five restaurants run by 5W on Tuesday night: Italiano Paradise, Gibbyanos, Indian Amazement, Rice and Spice and Bella Italia.  On Thursday night there were five different restaurants by 5C on offer for the customers: Charmotekj, Namtods, Indian Rose, Cozba and Papas Pasta. 
The children were fantastic on their night and worked incredibly hard.  They stayed at school at 3.15pm to prepare their food and restaurant and worked through until about 7.45pm; the children were in good spirits but tired by the end of a 12 hour working day!  Both nights proved to be an amazing success, making a clear profit of £530 for both evenings and getting almost unanimous five star reviews from their customers.  The children are now deciding how they can spend it.  Year 5 children and staff would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents who attended.
