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Feedback from Reception Open afternoons February 2017

 ‘I love coming to see my child at school so he can show us what he is learning and what he gets up to.  This was also a chance to look at his work books that always leave me impressed at how much he is improving.’


‘I’m so glad my son is at this school!  So supportive, warm and patient.  Loved the speech and language games and can see how he is improving in this area as a result.  Lovely to have an opportunity to see how the day works and what he does here. Thank you.’


 ‘My child has shown me what she does at school and what she plays with.  She showed me how to add up and takeaway, writing, reading and painting.  Very happy with her progress and how her confidence has grown.’


‘Lovely to see a bit of the maths/number lesson.  Good help for home learning!’


‘Really lovely seeing my child in her school environment and meeting all of her friends.’


‘Lots of great things to do.  Fantastic way to learn counting for the children.  Good to see my child’s books as I did not come to parents evening.  Excellent class all helped tidy up as well.’


‘Really enjoyed finding out how my child is getting on – thank you.’


‘It is a good experience to watch them in the class.  Really good.  It is great to see the teacher doing brilliant job with the children.’


‘Lovely interactive session.  Enjoyed the 1-1 maths with my child as it gave me some ideas.  Thanks.’


‘Very enjoyable.  Good to see how much the children have come on since our last visit.  Interesting to watch the structured session on numbers.’


‘Really interesting to see what you are doing in regards to maths.  I enjoyed the afternoon.’


‘Really enjoyed seeing the activities children can access in the classroom.  Also great to spend time with Miss Heslop and see what they are working on in maths so we can do more on this at home.  Thank you.’


‘I’ve had an enjoyable afternoon again in school with my child.  It was lovely for him to show me round the classroom and tell me the topics he’s doing. It was nice this time to see carpet time and how they did maths. My child clearly enjoys school and was engaged in the maths and story.  Thank you.’


‘Really enjoyed the maths session.  Especially the bead session and Numicon work with my child and Miss Heslop.  I loved the story at the end as well.  Children sat really well and quietly well done.'


‘I had a great open session today.  Really good feedback and advice on how to add and subtract at home.  I can see how much the class has changed and grown.’


‘Very interesting to see how the class learns and interacts with the teachers.’


‘Really great to see how the children have settled in since the first term.  The atmosphere is relaxed and fun and the teachers and teaching assistants are brilliant.  A great class! Thank you.’


‘I really enjoyed the afternoon.  Great to see how engaged they all seemed and how much progress had been made since last time.  The maths exercises gave me an idea of how they’ve taught this subject.  Thank you.’


‘Love seeing my child in his school environment, he really enjoyed playing the swamp game and showing me around.’


‘We’ve had a fun afternoon camping, playing outside and with the parachute, before coming in for maths and a story.  My child clearly enjoys being in school and was engaged with the learning and story time.  I found it hard to concentrate on the learning because of the noise from the other classroom but the children seemed to cope.’


‘It was great to see what my child did in class. Very informative and fun.’


‘Really enjoyed the session.  It was lovely to see my child playing with his friends.  Also good to see how Miss Heslop uses the Numicon.  Look forward to the next one.’


‘Good interaction, good learning, good teaching methods, happy environment, my child enjoys interaction.’


‘Thank you for the opportunity to come in and spend time with my child and his class.  It was great to get an insight to the school day.  Lots of activities to choose from, great to see some maths in action, playtime and story time too.  A lovely class.’


‘It was lovely to see my child in the classroom environment. He seems to get involved in all the activities with lots of enthusiasm and looks to have made lots of friends.  It was also a great help to see first-hand the learning process for adding and language this gave me ideas on what to do at home with him.  Very enjoyable visit and thank you for all your support so far this school year.  My child’s confidence has grown in all areas.'


‘Lovely to see my child with her classmates, interacting well with them.  Interesting to see how teachers make the learning fun.’


‘Very enjoyable.  Thank you for letting us see how much she is enjoying school.’


‘Coming into reception today and seeing how much.  My child has come on since starting in September it’s amazing, she has grown so much and is really good with her numbers, such as adding and taking away.’


‘I really enjoyed my afternoon with my child in class.  It was interesting to see what he enjoyed doing and how much he has improved since September.  Spending time in class also gave me an insight into how my child is influenced by some of his friends.  He loves coming to school and loves all of his teachers.  It’s also provided me with new learning tools that I can use with him at home.  Thank you.’