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Feedback from KS1 and KS2 Open morning November 2018

Feedback from Year 1 parents


‘Lovely to see the children getting busy in the classroom.  A great chance to see what they get up to at school.’


‘Thank you for inviting us in – always useful to see what is being taught as my son doesn’t tell us much, means we can talk to him about it at home, really appreciate it!’


‘Another fantastic open morning.  It was really nice to see Miss Smith as an emergency replacement.’


‘Wonderful to see the children in their classroom setting.  Really useful to see how the children are taught/learning techniques.  Thank you.’


‘Thank you for inviting us.  It was lovely that Miss Smith took the class as Miss Dean was ill – really good idea.’


Feedback from Year 2 parents


‘Such a change in lessons from last year.  I’m proud of my daughter for embracing the teaching style and less play all the time.  She loves it.’


‘Another wonderful lesson, so clear and fun for the children using different ways and really helped me to see how my son is learning.  I really enjoyed it today.’


'Mrs Ibison was great as usual. Very clear and concise during the maths lesson.  Great explanations and lovely sharing of knowledge during the lesson.  Mrs Ibison has brilliant control of the class.  She also really encourages the children when listening to their explanations.'


‘Interactive teaching appears to be very engaging with the children they are also very well behaved.  Good tips on how to keep maths workings neat.’


‘Maths class was amazing, the methods used, I feel I have learned a lot.  Please can I attend school again loving these new maths methods.  Great teaching.’


‘Thanks for letting us come in today, great to see the class in action.  The children were very engaged in the maths activity.  Great to see the use of lots of resources – white board, number blocks and maths books.  Children all appeared engaged during handwriting practice too.  A lovely class.’


‘I really enjoyed the maths lesson today.  It was a fun way of learning how to take away.  My daughter was a little distracted with me being there, but she know what was expected of her and what to do.  The teacher explained very clearly what they had to do.  Thank you.'


‘Love these sessions, it’s great to see how my child is taught and how I can support her further at home.’


'Really enjoyed seeing them doing a normal lesson.’


‘Really interesting and informative to see what the children are learning.’


‘He does lack concentration – can be silly – but completed all of his work.’


Feedback from Year 3 parents


‘I really enjoyed doing DT with both girls.  It was great to see their ideas and how much they enjoyed doing this work, I saw them sharing materials and helping other children in class.’


‘Enjoyed helping learn practical skills like cutting with scissors and threading needles.  The camera was good to show close up work to the class when treading.  Very modern.’


‘Thank you.  It’s good to see how Miss Hellewell directs and conducts her class.  There is so many distractions and the countdown works well.  My son needs to keep focused and try not to be distracted, this is hard as there is naturally children talking.  Valuable experience.  The maths bingo is excellent, I really enjoyed it.  Thank you.’


‘Lots of engaged and active activity.  Pupils aware of systems and respond very quickly and positively.  Great enthusiasm over bingo.  Class actively doing basic multiplication, division and extended multiplication – pupils loving the challenge.  Miss H very good at extracting answers related to other areas – mathematical terms.  Very fast paced and great engagement and learning going on in 3HE.  Wonderful to see.’


‘Really enjoyed my time in class today.  All the children were busy and focused.  Bingo was fun and a great way to challenge mathematical thinking.’


‘Had a really good time seeing my daughters in class today working on her project.  Looking forward to seeing her finished decoration.  The class has been very well led, all children’s questions were answered, no question dismissed but answered with respect to the children.  It has been a pleasure to come in and see her working in class.’


‘A much noticed step up from Year 2.  The class are much more interactive and patient.  When creating the Christmas decoration, none of the children saw this as a competition or with any sort of rivalry (as seen in Year 2).  Personally I was comfortable and at ease with my daughter’s diabetes care throughout class, no disturbance or distraction for the lesson and she took this in her stride.  Very proud and happy with the Year 3 structure and look forward to any progress.’


‘I enjoyed the session, thank you.’


Feedback from Year 4 parents


‘Excellent morning.  Loved it.’


‘Concentration needs working on.  Also struggled with his 6x tables as it was a different form.  Hope comments help.’


‘A fun session, lots of glue and sticky tape.  Enjoyed tidy up time.  Nice to see them all having fun.’


‘Really enjoyed the craft session and seeing all the ideas the children had come up with.  Can’t wait to see the finished product.  All children very enthusiastic and polite.’


‘Creative fun class to attend.’


‘Good watching the children being creative.  The children help and support each other which was nice to see.’


Feedback from Year 5 parents


‘The class were drawing pictures from photo’s of buildings.  I really enjoyed the lesson, the teacher explained what was expected very thoroughly.  My daughter loves drawing, so she loved this lesson.  Thank you.’


‘Really good art lesson kids seemed really interested and did some great work.’


'Miss Owen had a good control of the class. She was very clear with her instructions to the class.  My son really loves Miss Owen and had said from the start of the year that her classes have been the best because she always makes them fun.'


‘I loved this lesson.  I really think there should be a lot more of this taught in school.  All my children enjoyed it, they were relaxed and engaged.  Bring back more Art!’


‘Fab engaging lesson.  The children are discussing without being rowdy.  Miss F even encouraged parents to join in with the art lesson.  Great fun.’


‘Very enjoyable class observing year 5 sketching.  The class were very well behaved and really got involved with shading and drawing buildings around Farsley.’


Feedback from Year 6 parents


‘Loved the teach me tell me cards and method of the children asking questions with each other – a great, interactive way of learning.  The circuits were really good fun and the children loved experimenting with the different elements within the circuits.’


'Excellent morning.  Loved it.'