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  • Year 6 Giant Coffee morning for Macmillian Cancer Charity

    Fri 27 Sep 2013
    Year 6 raised an impressive £687 for Macmillan following their recent 'Giant Coffee Morning'.  Both classes worked their socks off selling tea, coffee and cake to hungry families and their efforts resulted in them achieving one of the highest charity fundraising totals of recent years. We would like to say a massive thank you to all those people who visited the coffee morning/afternoon as we couldn't have done it without you. We also give huge thanks to those who provided buns and cakes and raffle prizes to be used on the day; we were even fortunate enough to have some children bringing in cakes who weren't even members of Year 6.  We were very proud of the children for their hard work and some regular visitors even commented that it was some of the best service they had ever had at Springbank! Well done to all.
  • Sponsored Fun Run

    Wed 25 Sep 2013
    The decision to hold our annual sponsored fun run early this year paid off.  The weather was perfect for such an event; it was dry but cloudy so made for great running conditions.  The children as always were fantastic and put in their best efforts; stamina and perseverance shone out! 

    A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed;
    The money raised is going towards some storage for scooters/bikes and if there is any left over we are going to look into getting some I-pads for the children to use in school.

  • Scarecrow Making Day

    Fri 13 Sep 2013
    Scarecrow making day was great fun! The school hall looked like a big jumble sale in the morning; we had so many clothes, shoes, hats and all kinds of things that had been sent in from home.  Thank you to everyone who sent in things for us to use.
    All the children have worked in groups of 9 or 10 to make a scarecrow for Farsley Festival next weekend.  The groups were mixed up with some children from every year group, providing the children a chance to work with different children in school which they really enjoyed.  They had lots of wonderful ideas and as usual were very creative. 
    A big thank you to those parents who were able to come in and help, it was really appreciated and we couldn’t have done it without you!  Here are some photo’s to give you a taste of what the children did.

    All the left over clothes were collected by Hobsons and this raised £72.42 for School Fund so thank you.
