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  • Year 2's Art Showcase

    Tue 24 Oct 2017

    On Tuesday, the Year 2 parents and carers were invited into class at the end of the day for Year 2's art showcase.  The children have worked really hard with a range of art projects this half term and the showcase gave them the opportunity to show off some of their creative talents!  The children worked with a real sculptor in school to create life-size bird sculptures, which they then painted.  They have also learnt how to mix water colours to create different shades and tints.  These skills were then put into practice when they created a watercolour painting of fields from a birds-eye view.  Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along and enjoyed persuing the children's school sketch books full of all the wonderful things they have done since Year 1.

  • Year 5 Restaurant Evenings

    Thu 19 Oct 2017

    Year 5 did an incredible job for two nights this week running a variety of themed restaurants! The children worked amazingly hard in the weeks leading up to their restaurant evenings: they had carried out market research before making their final menu choices; they created persuasive adverts to entice customers to their restaurants and they spent time practicing some basic cooking skills such as cutting, peeling and chopping. The restaurant evenings ran smoothly, with all the customers enjoying the freshly prepared dishes. The reviews from parents were outstanding and the children even earned a few tips! The service provided by the children was first class. I am sure they will remember their restaurant evenings for many years to come. Thank you to all the parents and family members who came along and supported the children in their venture. The total raised was just over £600! Wow! 

  • Road Safety

    Tue 17 Oct 2017

    The Road Safety Team from Leeds City Council delivered a whole school assembly about how to be safe on the roads including reinforcing the Green Cross Code.  Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4 children spent time in small groups practicing crossing the road safety on the roads surrounding school. 

    Year 3 spent an afternoon learning how to stay safe when using their scooters.  The children donned their helmets and went out into the playground to practice. When they were ready they used all their skills they had covered during the session on the playground, they took their scooters out onto the streets surrounding school to practice.  We hope that lots of children will be encouraged to use their scooters to travel to school as it is a great way to exercise; it helps reduce traffic outside school and best of all it’s a fun and quick way to travel!  We would encourage any children travelling on scooters to wear a safety helmet which they can bring into school to store safely.

  • Year 1 Assembly 'What African Wonders Await?'

    Tue 17 Oct 2017

    Year 1 shared their ‘What African Wonders Await?’ topic with everyone in assembly on Wednesday.  Year 1 children performed an African dance, performed music inspired by Stomp and even got parents involved to perform the song 'Kye Kye Kule'.  Pupils from both 1B and 1D very bravely read aloud stories that they had written inspired by Handa's Surprise. There was also a show of artwork that has been inspired by this topic, including traditional dot work, tribal necklaces and amazing animal models. All of Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Africa and did themselves proud in presenting their learning to the whole school.  Well done Year 1!

  • Harvest Festival

    Wed 04 Oct 2017

    Thank you to everyone who came along to our Harvest Festival celebrations.  Every year group shared some of their work about the Harvest and as always the singing was lovely.  Thank you to everyone who made a food donation to our Harvest collection; we had a huge amount of food that we split up so we have been able to support 2 really worthwhile organisations where our food will help make a real difference: Leeds West Food Bank and St. George’s Crypt. 

  • Dyslexia Awareness

    Mon 02 Oct 2017

    Last week we were raising the awareness of dyslexia in school.  This included the children understanding what dyslexia is and what difficulties people with dyslexic tendencies might have but more importantly the children have learnt about what children with dyslexia are good at.  The theme this year was 'Positive about dyslexia' and the children have found out about lots of famous people who have dyslexia such as Steve Jobs (the creator of Apple) and Keira Knightley (actress).  There are some fantastic resources available including an ebook which is available at 
