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Triathlon event

Year 6 were lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to take part in the Brownlee Triathlon at John Charles Centre for Sport. A group of 30 representatives travelled to the event which involved the three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running. After arriving at the centre we were met by a team of triathlon specialists who talked us through the competition before handing out kits and swimming hats. We then all gathered in the incredible swimming facilities to take part in our opening event where we were met by Olympic Gold Medal winner and European and Commonwealth Triathlon Champion Alistair Brownlee - wow! Alistair met the children as they entered the pool and chatted with them before they set off on their swim. After exiting the water the children then had a matter of 60 seconds to put on their shoes before they jumped onto a bike and started their circuits of the 400m track. Following the completion of the riding stage they then did a running lap before crossing the line to be met by Olympic Bronze medal winner and former World Triathlon Champion Jonny Brownlee who was signing medals. It was an incredible event, a fantastic experience and a great taster for just what a triathlon is like and our children had a wonderful time...inspiring future athletes!
