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  • Springbank Athletes do the Double

    Thu 29 Jun 2017 S Chapman
    Farsley Springbank and Westroyd became 2017 Mini Olympic champions last week after beating the rest of the schools in Pudsey to claim the title. It is the third time now that a combined group of KS2 children from Springbank and KS1 children from Westroyd have joined forces to become outright winners of the contest since its introduction in 2012. It was also a very fitting result as this was the last time that both schools will enter the competition as a joint team; instead, next year, Springbank will make up their own team from KS1 and KS2 and Westroyd will be making up their own team. The event at the John Charles Centre for Sport saw boys and girls from Year 2 and Year 4 working as teams to try and record the fastest times in running events or the highest scores in throwing and jumping events. At the same time, Year 6 children were individually pitting their wits against the best of the best from the local area in athletic events such as sprints, 400m, long-jump, triple jump and even shot-put! The climax of the competition was Springbank's favourite event: the relay! Both the Year 4 and Year 6 teams absolutely obliterated the competition, winning their respective relays by a full changeover in both instances. The final results showed that the contest had been tight with title rivals Pudsey Southroyd producing their usual competitive display but it was Springbank and Westroyd who had amassed the highest number of first-place finishes and ultimately claimed the gold medal. The result also means that, for the third time in the past five years, Springbank have done the formidable double of being both Indoor and Outdoor Athletics champions for the year. As always, well done Springbank! 
  • Finale Concert at Leeds Town Hall

    Wed 28 Jun 2017 Mrs Ashley-Cooper
    On Thursday 22nd June, 10 of our Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Leeds Schools Music Association Finale Concert at Leeds Town Hall. After a series of rehearsals and lots of practice of a set of fabulous songs, the children shone in the final performance. They sang some very complex songs with lots of overlapping parts and intricate harmonies and the end result really was wonderful. The children behaved beautifully and we are very proud of them all.
  • Reception and Year 1's Sports day

    Wed 21 Jun 2017
  • The Big Sing

    Wed 21 Jun 2017 Mrs Darlison
    This week we took a group of KS2 children to take part in 'The Big Sing' at Leeds Town Hall. They spent the afternoon learning a collection of 'jungle' themed songs before performing them alongside several other Leeds schools. The children were so fast at picking up the songs. Some sections of the songs were broken into three parts and even contained harmonies which the children remembered brilliantly. It was a privilege for all of us to sing in such a lovely venue alongside so many other people and everyone really enjoyed it. The children did themselves and Farsley Springbank proud by representing our school brilliantly. Well done everyone!
  • KS2 Sports Day

    Tue 20 Jun 2017
  • Arts Week 2017

    Thu 15 Jun 2017

    Arts Week 2017

    In the week back after half term, Springbank held their first Arts week. The theme of the week was ‘What a Wonderful World’ and the children experienced different arts focused activities from around the world. On Monday and Tuesday the children enjoyed a carousel of activities that immersed them in a range of arts from different cultures. The activities included paper sculpture inspired by the Amazon Rainforest, Day of the Dead mask making from Mexico, aboriginal storytelling and drama from Australia, black out poetry from Japan, tradition dance from France among other fantastic experiences! The children loved moving around the school and visiting different teachers to learn a range of arts skill.

    Each year group also had an art project to focus on from a different country. Reception looked at aboriginal art, Year 1 found out about the Swiss artist Paul Klee and created art in his style. Year 3 researched traditional mola patterns from Panama and created collages using bright animal shapes. Year 4 found inspiration from New Zealand and created art work using traditional Maori symbols. Year 5 produced amazing pen and ink observations of St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow and used the Russian artist Kandinsky to inspire backgrounds for their drawings. Year 6 carried on with their work on Islamic patterns and how they are created.

    We were also lucky have visitors in school so the children could participate in range activities run by artists, musicians and actors. Reception and Year 1 adored being told stories by Tiny Tales and Tunes who actively involved the children in the stories she told. Year 3 used their acting and improvisation skills via a drama and storytelling workshop from Blah Blah Blah. Year 4 collaboratively worked with a textile designer to create fashion prints. Year 5 made music with the band Maia and the children were invited to join in with original compositions and play different instruments such as the ukulele and cajon. Year 6 learned to drum and improvise a variety of African rhythms with a local Samba band.

    Arts week was a great success! Springbankers loved the opportunity to immerse themselves in creativity and experience arts from around the world. We all celebrated our hard work in assembly, explaining to the rest of the school what we had achieved throughout the week.
