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  • Year 1 outdoor learning

    Fri 18 Dec 2020

    Year 1 have been learning all about seeds. They have been busy collecting lots of tree seeds like conkers and acorns. They have also sown some wildflower seeds ready for a beautiful display next summer.


    They have also been looking at all the different ways seeds are dispersed to grow new plants and have enjoyed experimenting with seeds to see how they can travel further.


    The children have planted bulbs including onions and garlic bulbs and enjoyed tasting some garlic bread made from the garlic grown at school.


    They have learnt about why trees lose their leaves in autumn and enjoyed collecting all the different colours of leaves which they then turned into rainbows.


    They also had lots of fun creating sculptures inspired by mythical and real forest creatures from mud!


    Year 1 finished up the term by playing lots of outside games and warming up with a hot chocolate!

  • Year 3 outdoor learning

    Fri 18 Dec 2020

    Year 3 have been learning all about herbs, smelling and tasting them and identifying which herbs can be used for different purposes whether it is in cooking or used in cosmetics.

    They have taken lots of cuttings and sown some seeds to see if they can grow more herb plants.


    The children have also been learning about soil and all about worms and how valuable they are to the environment. They have had lots of fun constructing their own wormery which they observed over a couple of weeks to see how worms work underneath the ground.


    They learnt how to make compost and what could and could not be composted and began their own compost heap.  The plan is to use this compost next year for potting on their cuttings.


    The children worked hard raking up the fallen leaves in the garden which we didn’t just throw away.  We have made heaps of the leaves which will turn into leafmould after about 2 years! The children will have to come back when they are in year 5 to see what has happened!


    They went on to learn about different structures of soil and because our soil is very heavy clay they were able to use this to model into some lovely creations. We all had very muddy hands at the end of this session!


    Year 3 enjoyed lots of games and hot chocolate in their final session of the year and we made a very large 2D sculpture of a Christmas tree.
