In phonics this week, we have been learning the sounds r, sh, j, v, y. ‘sh’ is an example of what we call ‘special friends’ where two letters make one sound. Have a go with your new flashcards making words. Some examples for new words to make using the sounds the children have learnt could be: jam, vet, run, fish, shop, yak. Say the word and see if your child can segment the sounds to put the cards in order. Your child may be ready to write some words too. To simplify this game, place only the cards needed for the word, but out of order. Or perhaps 6 cards for a CVC word so your child has to choose the correct ones. Thank you for all your hard work at home practising the sounds and formation.
In maths, we have starting learning about the number 3. We have thought about everything that reminds us of 3 such as a triangle, trikes and the three little pigs. You can challenge the children to find 3 at home or outside at the weekend. We have used the language big, medium and little to relate to size and we have discussed less than and more than. At home, you could order some items such as toys in size order and use the language small, medium and big. Which is the smallest toy? Is this toy bigger than this toy? Remember to send us pictures or videos of the learning you have been doing at home.
This week, in understanding the world we have learnt about autumn festivals and celebrations: Halloween, Bonfire Night and Diwali. We have discussed traditions and activities associated with these events. The children have been making spooky potions, painting beautiful firework pictures and creating amazing henna designs.
Next week:
Phonics: The children will be in phonics groups. Some will be recapping the sounds we have learnt so far. Those who are ready will be moving onto new sounds. Keep practising speedy sounds at home using the green books or flash cards. Next week you will be informed about which sounds you need to focus on with your child.
Maths: We will continue to learn about the number 3. We will use ten frames, numicon and will look at triangles. We will also be looking at halving numbers and will discuss fair and unfair sharing of odd and even numbers.
Understanding the World: Remembrance Day and People who Help Us
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team