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Autumn 2 Week 3 24.11.23



In maths this week we have been learning about the composition of 4 and 5. We have used resources to show which numbers make up 4 ie 2 and 2, 3 and 1, 2 and 2 1s etc. We have also done this with the number 5. This website has a range of resources you might to play around with at home, including numicon. Your child might like to show you how they can make up the numbers 4 and 5 using the numicon:


We have also been exploring the concepts of one more and one less within the number 5. At home, you might find opportunities to ask about one more and one less when you are making tea (I have 2 plates – if I get one more, how many will there be?) or perhaps having a bath (I can see 5 ducks. What is one less than 5?) or maybe at bedtime (I’ve read 2 stories. How many stories will I have read if I read one more?) Perhaps your child could challenge you with some one more and one less questions.


This week in Understanding the World we have been learning about The Arctic! The children have been learning about where The Arctic region is, what the climate is like and who lives there. We have enjoyed finding out that The Arctic region is one of the coldest places on Earth and that there are large amounts of ice. The children have found out about the wildlife that lives there and noticed that animal’s fur helps them to be camouflaged to protect themselves from predators. We have been creating some fantastic Arctic animal artwork and using non-fiction books to find out facts.  


Next week we will learn more about the Arctic, comparing the Arctic to where we live and finding out about how climate change is affecting the Arctic and the animals that live there.


In maths we are learning about the composition of numbers within 5. We will also be looking at combining numbers within 5 and noticing that the amount gets bigger when you add numbers together. We will be subtracting and noticing that when we take numbers away, the amount gets smaller.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Reception team
