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Week 13 (Sum 2 Wk 6) 06.07.20-10.07.20

Welcome to a new week, my apprentices!


Hope you've had a wand-erful weekend and done lots of enchanting things. You may have already guessed the theme for this week - that's right - MAGIC! Be prepared for an abracadabraly brilliant time and lots of apparitions of the main magician himself - Harry Potter! I wand-er what marvellous work will impress us this week? Maybe it'll be the spell(ings) or enchanted stories! Ask your adults to print them off and slight-of-hand them to you. It doesn't matter witch task you create, whatever you conjure up, we will of curse put them on the web-site. 


We are loving seeing all the fabulous work that you have been up to over the past couple of weeks so please continue to send through the pictures!


We miss you all so much and hope that you have a enjoyable and productive week ahead!


Miss Lax and Mrs Hayton smiley

