Mrs Hayton
Miss Lax
The Year 4 staff team is made up of class teachers: Mrs Hayton and Miss Lax and teaching assistants, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Wilman, Mrs Walton, Mrs Moore and Miss Crossley.
Year 4 is an exciting year with lots of great learning challenges and opportunities. You can find out more about what Year 4 are learning further down this page as well as lots of photos and information showing the children in action!
If you have any questions about Year 4, the class teachers will be happy to offer support and help. You can them by e-mail or contact the office to make an appointment. Please note e-mails from parents need to be sent to
Teachers will respond to e-mails within working hours of 8am-5.30pm but will endeavour to respond to e-mails within 48 hours. If your query is urgent then please contact the school office on 0113 2558719.
To find out more about the Year 4 curriculum, please click on the link below which will take you to the Curriculum Newsletters. These provide a detailed description of the learning that takes place in each subject every half term. If you have any questions about the Year 4 curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the class teachers, who will be happy to discuss any queries with you.
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Below you will find the timetables for both Year 4 classes. Please be aware that the timetable regularly changes. We try to ensure that the timetable remains flexible so that it best fits the purpose of the learning taking place. This means there will be changes to the timetable where lessons are swapped around for a specific reason. Sometimes a topic or subject may be blocked in for a day or a week so the children can immerse themselves in a project or theme.
Learning Logs
Here are all the learning logs for the year - learning logs are not compulsory and should only be done if the children would like to and will have lots of fun doing them! Should children choose to bring in a learning log at the end of the half term, we will make sure that we celebrate their achievements within class!
Below you can keep up to date with all the different events, trips and learning Year 4 have been doing. We hope you enjoy reading about Year 4's learning and looking at the photographs!