Y1 parent ‘Nice engaging activities, lovely environment. Children enjoying themselves really like the outside area.’ |
Y1 parent ‘Has been great to see my child in her classroom today. She has done really well making her moving animal from a design she made earlier. Thank you very much for this opportunity to come and see my child working in school.’ |
Y1 parent ‘Nice afternoon playing outside in the super playground. My child enjoyed showing me all the different challenges she could do in class. All the children were engaged and busy having fun.’ |
Y1 parent ‘I really enjoyed seeing my child in the classroom environment. Her confidence seems to have grown which is pleasing to see. She showed me around the classroom and she completed lots of challenges very well. My child has clearly listened and learned a lot in a short time.’ |
Y1 parent ‘I loved watching the children listening to instructions from their class teacher. I really enjoyed being able to do the challenges with my child; it helped me to find out what she had been learning.' |
Y1 parent ‘It was lovely watching all the pupils making their moving animal pictures. There was great enthusiasm and creativity going on in the classroom for their learning topic.’ |
Y1 parent ‘Thank you for the opportunity to see Year 1 in their classroom. It was great to see how much the children are learning and how much they are enjoying themselves at school.’ |
Y1 parent ‘Was really good to see my child in her class for the first time. I thought the learning looked really exciting and something to keep the children engaged.’ |
Y6 parent ‘Mr Chapman’s lesson was very informative. We certainly learned something.’ |
Y5 parent ‘I have really enjoyed coming into school and participating in class. We have had lots of fun planning the menu and decorating the cover. Thank you!’ |
Y3 parent ‘Great lesson – creative and caught the imagination of the children.’ |
Y6 parent ‘Great lesson – hard subject to teach – I hated history – but found this informative and the kids were well behaved and seemed interested in the work.’ |
Y4 parent ‘Lovely to see children really engaged and interested in the lesson, well-paced too.’ |
Y4 parent ‘Fantastic lesson everybody involved and helping each other. Working together.’ |
Y3 parent ‘An exciting lesson learning about shadows. The kids had a great time making puppets and the message was reinforced several times. So by the end of the lesson all the kids were really confident in answering questions about shadows and the properties of opaque, translucent and transparent materials. A great lesson!’ |
Y4 parent ‘The children are clearly engaged with their topic. They enjoyed re-creating the Leeds buildings in pencil and sewing their owls. They were learning new techniques, whilst having fun.’ |
Y6 parent ‘I arrived in time for PE skills. The kids all seemed to be having a great time practicing ball skills. The children were improving as they practiced which was great to see.’ |
Y6 parent ‘It was great to watch the PE outdoors and seeing all the children being active and trying different things.’ |
Y4 + Y6 parent ‘Great, calm atmosphere all children on task, lovely sewing in Year 4. Wow Year 6! Great debating skills about WW2 and allowed children to really think on a much deeper level! Very entertaining and interesting.’ |
Y6 parent ‘Very interesting.’ |
Y1 + Y6 parent ‘I have loved being in their classrooms this afternoon and seeing them working so hard and so well in their new year groups. I love all the teachers; they work so hard and well with the children. Once again an amazing school, with amazing teachers.’ |
Y3 parent ‘Science lesson – very interesting to see the modern way of teaching. The children looked to be happy and content, they appeared to be working well on their own and also as a group.’ |
Y3 parent Good fun, it was nice to see him with his school friends and interacting with them.’ |