Hello! Welcome back after the Easter break. We hope you all had a lovely time. And here we are in the Summer term already! Where has the time gone? We have been really lucky this week with some beautiful weather so let’s hope that continues.
This week the children have been working hard in their phonics groups. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s phonics journey, listening to them read and helping them to practise sounds and red words. For three mornings a week, we have a picture of the day which the children write about. We have been so impressed with the children’s independent writing and how confident they are becoming in using the sounds they have learnt to write new words and sentences.
In maths, we have started our topic ‘To 20 and beyond’. This week we have been learning how to build numbers beyond 10. The children have explored number patterns from 11-20, they have been matching numerals and pictorials and they have used a range of resources including numicon and ten frames to make up numbers. The children have identified that the 1 in a teen number represents 10. They have played a range of games including matching pairs and bingo to help consolidate this learning. At home, you can support this learning by practising counting to 20, recognising numbers on walks or at home and counting objects such as sweets or pebbles.
In understanding the world, we have had lots of fun learning about plants. We have learnt what a plant is and have learnt the names of the parts of a plant. We have identified plants in the school garden and the children took photos using ipads of what they found. We have been learning about what plants need to grow and we set up an experiment which we will be observing over the next few weeks. The children have been busy in the garden, preparing the soil and planting seeds. We hope to have lots of yummy produce!
Next week, we will continue with our maths topic ‘To 20 and beyond’, building numbers, recognising numerals and pictorials and exploring patterns in number.
In understanding the world, we will continue to learn about plants, identifying leaves and different plants and learning about the life cycle of a plant.
Our five favourite books this half-term are Lost and Found, Where the Wild things Are, On Sudden Hill, Owl Babies and The Runaway Pea. If you have any of these at home, you may want to share these with your child. These are books which we read and re-read throughout the half-term. This enables the children to get to know the text really well which encourages them to join in with the story language and read these books independently in the book corner.
You may like to enjoy the new Cbeebies series together which links perfectly to our plants topic: ‘Maddie, the plants and you’. Here is a link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000trpr/maddie-the-plants-and-you-series-1-1-the-flowers