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Land Art 30.03.21

For the past 3 weeks the children in Year 1 have learnt all about the artist and sculptor, Andy Goldsworthy. The children looked at some of his art and learnt how to give a critique, looking for things they liked and things they didn't. They then created a 2-page spread all about Andy Goldsworthy in their sketch books. This was the first time the children had ever done anything like this, and we were so pleased with the results. 

The children then used inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy's work to design their own pieces of 'Land Art' using natural materials. The designs were then critiqued by their peers and suggestions given for what they could improve on next time. We were really impressed with the children's ability to give and receive feedback about their learning. 

This week the children went out to collect some natural materials to make their design. In groups, they chose their favourite design and created it outside matching it as closely as they could to the design. This involved a lot of collaborative work and compromise, which the children did really well.  
