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WEEK 10 (Sum 2 Wk 3) 15.06.20-19.06.20

Good Morning Year 1!


As you know, for many Year 1 children, today is the first day back to school but it is very important that some of you stay at home with your families and continue to complete your home learning grids. 


Therefore, the English and Topic columns this week on your home learning grid will correspond to the lessons taught in school with the Class Teacher. This week you will find a hyperlink on the learning grid which will direct you to ‘Class Slides’. On the Powerpoint presentation you will find a 'note to parents' this is a brief comment on each slide to explain the learning as well as key questions to ask you child. 


We will be continuing to follow Whiterose Maths as this website provides clear explanations through videos and also provides worksheets to assess your child’s understanding. Don't forget that children have access to their own Mymaths account which must be utilised as much as possible! There are lots of fun activities for the children to complete as well as tasks set by your class teacher.


As you may have noticed the 'phonics' column has been removed from our home learning grid. We still encourage daily reading and would like to remind you that you also have access to daily phonics lessons via 


Both Year 1 Class Teachers will be in school from 8:45am-3:15pm. This means that any emails will be responded to at the end of the school day to ensure that both parents and children at home are still receiving our support.


Again, thank you for your efforts and support throughout this journey.


Best wishes,


Miss Groves and Miss Wood  x

Home Learning Grid

Parts of a plant | Primary Biology - Plants

Suitable for teaching 5 to 11s. Discover the various parts of a plant and their functions through a mix of scientific enquiry and comedy! Subscribe for more ...

#Black Lives Matter

As you are probably aware, the Black Lives Matter movement is incredibly important at the moment and we are always looking for ways in which to teach our children about equality and diversity.


Attached is a short powerpoint with a few videos, a story and a task for you to share with your child so that they understand what racism is and why people are protesting at the moment. We understand that this can be a difficult topic to speak to your young children about, however it is vital they learn about what racism is, how to oppose and challenge it and about the struggles and inequality that black people face because of the colour of their skin. 


Black Lives Matter Activities
