Home and School Expectations
As a school, we are determined to create an inclusive learning environment where all children strive to achieve and become lifelong learners. Our school is a place where all children have the right to be happy, healthy and safe.
This can be achieved most effectively when staff, pupils and parents work together towards the same goals, as described in the home school agreement below.
If you have any questions regarding the home school expectations, we would be happy to speak to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher to ask questions or find out how your child is getting on.
Phone: 0113 2558719
Email: info@farsleyspringbank.co.uk
Web: http://www.farsleyspringbank.co.uk
We will:
- Set high standards and provide a quality educational programme in line with the National Curriculum.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum
- Encourage your child to be aspirational about what they can achieve, both at school and in the future.
- Provide any special teaching or support physical needs according to funding, provision and resources.
- Care for your child as a valued member of the community regardless of race, gender or religion.
- Maintain a code of conduct which provides a caring, secure and disciplined environment
- Be open and welcoming towards parents and provide opportunities for them to become involved in the daily life of the school.
- Keep parents informed about general school matters (such as policy changes) and specific information regarding their child, e.g. progress, attendance, punctuality or behaviour.
- Send home an annual record of achievement.
- Set, mark and monitor home learning
I/we will:
- Support high standards of work and behaviour.
- Support the behaviour policy which helps to maintain a caring, secure and disciplined environment.
- Inform the school of any issues that might affect your child’s work, behaviour or emotional well-being.
- Attend discussions on attainment and progress.
- Support children with home learning, including providing an appropriate space to complete this
- Ensure regular attendance and adhere to the school’s attendance policy.
- Provide suitable clothing, footwear and equipment as provided.
- Ensure that the school has up to date emergency contacts.
- Keep the school informed of collection arrangements.
I will do my best to:
- Always give 100% effort in my learning, join in and try hard.
- Always try to complete my home learning or ask a teacher for help if I need it.
- Always be polite, kind and thoughtful of others.
- Always try to enjoy school and help other children to do the same.
- Always remember my school promise.