On Tuesday it was Online Safety Day, we talked with Reception about how to keep safe when using devices. We watched an age appropriate cartoon which explained the dangers of using the internet when playing games and then we discussed how we can play safely. The children knew to tell an adult if they saw anything on their devices that made them feel worried and also never to give out their personal information. We also read Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly as part of our ‘No Outsiders’ discussions. The children learnt through the story that is ok to have different opinions and like different things but that we can still all be friends! We have explored our feelings in support of Children’s Mental Health Week, through reading the colour monster which helped us to discuss our feelings. The colours in the book helped us to identify how different emotions make us feel.
We have begun our next ‘Talk 4 Writing’ Topic – The Three little pigs. The children have already started to retell and act out the story using the enhancements we have in provision. They have been filming themselves with the iPads, using story telling language and making the little pig’s houses in the small world area.
In maths the children have been learning how to compare measurements; including height, length and time. The children have been using language such as short, long, tall, longer, shorter, tallest, and shortest to compare sizes. We have had lots of fun drawing around our hands and feet and measuring their length using items we have found in the classroom like blocks and paper clips. At home you could compare your height with family members or measure the height of your favourite toy using Lego bricks. We have been finding out how long actions take and how many actions we can do in a set amount of time. We counted how many jumps, start jumps and hops we could do in 10 seconds and thought about which was the action was the fastest and slowest. At home you could time how long it takes to brush your teeth or how many times you can write your name in a minute.
Next week in maths we will be consolidating our learning of the numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children will be thinking of different ways the numbers can be made. At home you could find different number combinations by grouping objects such as pasta and have a go at making 6,7 and 8 in a range of ways.
We will continue our Talk 4 Writing unit on The Three Little Pigs… Maybe you have a version of the story at home your child would like to share. You could film them retelling the story and send it in on Tapestry.
Just a little reminder that next week is parent’s evening – Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th. We are looking forward to discussing the great progress the children have made since the last meeting in October!
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Reception team