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Summer 1 Week 4 10.5.24



It was so lovely to be able to share our learning with you this week in our reception assembly. Thank you for coming and seeing what we have been learning. The children have worked hard to learn the story and song and to create lots of lovely artwork and super writing.


This week we have been learning about toys and how they have changed over time. The children started the week by talking about their favourite toys. Thank you for all the photos you have sent in of your child’s favourite toy. There were some lovely discussions about what things are made from, how they are played with and why they are special. The children have compared toys using different criteria and they have looked at and played with old toys.


Next week we will continue to learn about old and new toys. We will making more comparisons of old and new toys, looking at what materials the toys are made from and how old toys were played with. We will learn how to play some traditional games, including hopscotch, jacks and skipping games. The children will also create their own toys, using box-modelling techniques.


In maths this week, we have been learning about subtracting and how when we subtract we are taking away. We have explored what happens to the number when we subtract, namely that it gets smaller or that the amount is fewer as we have taken some away. At home you could play some subtraction games using foods or toys. Start with a number fewer than 10 and take some away. How many are left now?


Next week in maths we will be learning about sharing and grouping.


Thank you again for your continued support. Please feel free to continue to send any photos or videos of your child’s activities at home, as they really help to build a full picture of your child’s progress or experiences.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team
