This week we have been learning about toys and how they have changed over time. The children started the week by talking about their favourite toys. There were some lovely discussions about what things were made from, how they were played with and why they were special. The children have compared toys using different criteria, they have looked at and played with old toys and they have learnt how to play some traditional games too, such as marbles, jacks and hopscotch.
Next week we will be continuing our toys topic with more comparisons of old and new toys, toys sorting and ordering toys chronologically.
DT PROJECT NEXT WEEK: On Monday and Tuesday next week the children will be making their own toy vehicles and for this we are asking if you could please provide a box. A cereal box or something smaller than a cereal box will do fine. If you have more than one and are able to bring them in, that would be great too. Thank you!
In maths, we have been learning about subtraction and how we can take away using a number track and counting backwards. We have also revisited the idea that when we take away, our numbers get smaller and we end up with less. The children have enjoyed playing skittles outside. When they have knocked some down we have been finding out how many are left standing, eg We started with 10 and we knocked 3 over so now we have 7. We have 7 and we knocked 2 over so now we have 5. This is a great way to embed the idea that when things are taken away, the number gets smaller. If you have skittles, you may want to play this at home together. Or maybe you could make your own skittles using old cans or bottles.
Next week in maths we will be practising the skills of spatial reasoning. We will be positioning shapes to make new shapes, such as two triangles together to make a larger triangle, or two triangles to make a square. We will be rotating shapes to copy and create patterns. We will also be revisiting addition and subtraction using a range of methods and resources. You may want to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s at home as this is something we have been looking at to and will continue to practise. This ‘paint the squares’ hundred square is a nice way to see patterns as you count in 2s, 5s or 10s: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
Thank you again for your continued support. Please feel free to continue to send any photos or videos of your child’s activities at home, as they really help to build a full picture of your child’s progress or experiences.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Reception Team