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Summer 1 Week 5 17.5.24



This week we have continued to learn about toys and how they have changed over time. We have looked at older toys, sorting them into groups and ordering them using a timeline. The children have been creating their own toys, using box-modelling techniques. The children have playing with old toys and learning how to play traditional games such as skipping, clapping games, hopscotch, jacks and Ludo.


Next week in Understanding the World, we will be thinking about who is special to us and what makes people special. We will learn about some special people in religion as well as thinking about people who help us.


In maths, we have been learning to share between 2 and more than 2. One of our lessons was based upon the story ‘The Doorbell Rang’ by Pat Hutchins. Here is a link if you would like to enjoy this story together at home: 


At home you could get some cookies and plates and have a go sharing them out (12 cookies is a good number to share between 2, 3, 4 or 6 plates). Can your child tell you that each plate needs to have the same amount to make it fair? Can they use the word equal to explain this? You can then enjoy eating the cookies afterwards!


Next week we will be consolidating learning from this half-term, looking at adding and subtracting in particular. We will also be making number combinations up to 10.

When sunny weather is forecast, please ensure that your child has sun cream applied before coming to school and a sun hat to wear outside. Please ensure your child always has a full water bottle each day.


Please ensure that your child has their reading books in their book bag each day in case their books need changing. Library books (the picture book that your child self-selects) will always be changed on a Friday.


We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Staff
