LIBRARY BOOKS - Each Friday the children are able to choose a library book to take home and enjoy reading together at home. However, there have been a number of books not returned this week. We have given each child a book to take home tonight but if you have another school library book at home, please return this on Monday. Moving forward, your child will not get a new library book until they have returned the one from home.
BRINGING TOYS TO SCHOOL – some of the children have begun to bring toys in their book bags. We ask that they don’t do this as we are finding it difficult to store the bookbags in the boxes.
LIPBALM – Over recent weeks, we have seen an increase in the number of lipbalms. This is causing a few issues. Please only provide lipbalm if entirely necessary for chapped lips. Hopefully this will be less of an issue as the weather warms up. Where possible, please ensure lipbalm is fragrance free and colour / sparkle free!
COATS, HATS, WATER – Please ensure your child has each of these every day. Some days are warm, however we do a lot of learning outside and when the sun goes behind a cloud, it can be a little nippy.
SUNCREAM – As the weather begins to warm up, the children will be required to wear suncream to protect their skin. Where possible, this should be applied at home and preferably an 8 hour / long-lasting suncream so they will not require further applications in the school day. As you can imagine, applying suncream to 60 children eats into their learning time considerably. If they need to bring it in, it needs to be labelled.
This week we have had lots of fun exploring our number bonds to 10 in a variety of ways. We have used numicon, ten frames, the part part whole model, hidden number games and beads on a string. You might like to play a hidden number game at home. Find 10 toys and whilst your child has their eyes closed, hide some away. How many can they now see? How many are hidden? We have also been exploring patterns on a hundred square and counting to 30.
In Understanding the World we have been reading ‘Once There Were Giants’ by Martin Waddell. The children have enjoyed thinking about the different stages of life and how we grow and change. We have talked about the different sorts of things we can do at these stages: baby, toddler, child, teenager and adult. We have sequenced pictures chronologically (in time order) and have learnt about using a timeline. The children have had lots to share about different family members and friends and what stages of life they are at. They have compared themselves as a baby to what they are like now, thinking of all the things they can do now which they couldn’t as a baby. Thank you for all the lovely baby photos.
Next week in maths we will be concentrating on doubling and halving and odd and even numbers.
Next week is Science week and the children will be taking part in a range of different activities and experiments based on the theme of growth.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Reception team