Year 5 have really been enjoying immersing themselves in our history topic: WW1. This week, the children tried to encapsulate the conditions of the trenches by writing a letter as a WW1 soldier to a family member back home.
We began by looking at Walter Tull - Tull was the first black outfielder to play in the English premier league in 1909. Later, he joined up to fight in the Great War, becoming the first black British army officer. We imagined what it must have been like for Walter; going from playing football, to living in a muddy trench and fighting on the battlefield.
We spoke a lot about some of the thoughts and feelings that Walter would have had and then tried to recreate this within our writing.
All the children did a wonderful job of writing in the style of a 1914 soldier. We were so proud of our work that we even preformed them out loud in class.
Have a look at some of our amazing work below.