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DT - Pizza 19.05.21

Food technology project - Pizza 

As part of their D.T for summer term, the children took part in a project where they were asked to design and cook a healthy pizza.


To begin with, the children looked at the 5 different food groups and the nutrients which each food group provides. We then compared the calories, fat, salt and carbohydrates between a home made pizza and a takeaway pizza - we discovered that making our own dough was much healthier for us and our bodies (although we did agree that a takeaway was good for a treat)! 


The children then took it in turns in chefs corner: preparing and making their own pizza dough by following a recipe. Once proved, the children topped their pizzas with a choice of meats and vegetables, cooked at 200 degrees and enjoyed at the end of the day! 


I have uploaded the recipe below for you as I know some of the children were eager to replicate this at home as they we're so tasty! 
