This week we have introduced the story Jasper’s Beanstalk in our new Talk 4 Writing unit. The children have been reading and enjoying the story, they have come up with actions to help them to retell the story and we have created story maps to show our understanding of the story and to help us retell it. Next week they will be writing the story into their very own story books!
The chicks have been living in their cage and have been entertaining us all with their antics! They like to cheep quite loudly too! Earlier this week the children had a chance to hold a chick. They have also been painting chicks along with lots of other chick-based creative work. We said goodbye to the chicks today as they head back to the farm.
This week we have had lots of fun exploring our number bonds to 10 in a variety of ways. We have used numicon, ten frames and hidden number games. You might like to play this game at home: Find 10 toys and then hide them. As your child finds each one, talk about how many more they need to find to get to 10.
Next week we will be making different arrangements of 10, making 10 in three parts, finding doubles and odd and even numbers.
Thank you for giving your time to attend parents’ evening this week. It is always lovely to see you and talk with you about your child’s progress. We are so proud of the children and the progress they have made so far this year. Thank you for your continued support in listening to your child read, helping them with formation and writing and other activities you do to supplement and support what we are teaching in school. We really do appreciate it.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Reception team