Christmas Decorations Enterprise Project
We began our project by talking about how we could turn a small amount of money into lots more money. The children discussed what they could do and decided to make and sell Christmas decorations at the school fair.
First of all, the children came up with some beautiful designs and then we mixed flour, salt and water together to make salt dough. The children worked really hard to knead the dough, roll it out and cut out Christmas shapes using pastry cutters. The next step was to bake the salt dough decorations for 3 hours and leave them to cool. Once they were cool, the children painted them using lots of festive colours. Once the paint was dry, the children added the finishing touches to the decorations using glitter and paint.
If anyone was lucky enough to have bought one of our beautiful decorations from the Christmas Fair, we hope you enjoy having it on your Christmas tree and a big thank you from all the children and staff for buying!
I think you'll agree that the children worked especially hard on their project and we are excited to find out what profit they made.