In maths this week we have been learning about number combinations that make 5. We have been using characters to create stories, such as 3 friends are asleep and 2 friends are awake or 4 frogs are on the log and 1 is in the pond. You could use 5 toys at home to create some stories. We have also been adding and subtracting numbers within 5 with number problems such as ‘3 cars are parked in the car park and 1 more arrives – how many are there now?’ or ‘I had 5 sweets and I ate 2 of them. How many do I have left?’ The children have been adding and taking away counters on 5 frames to help with this skill. Here is a website with some 5 frame activities to try: https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Five-Frame/
This week in Understanding the World we have continued to learn about The Arctic. The children have identified features of Farsley including buildings, landscape, weather and wildlife and have then made comparisons with the Arctic, using pictures and prior knowledge. They have learnt about what climate is and how climate change is affecting life in the Arctic.
Next week we will be reading the story Dear Zoo in Talk 4 Writing. You may remember the children learning the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt last half-term. Talk 4 Writing enables children to become so familiar with a story that they are able to retell the story word for word. This is great for engagement in reading as well as confidence in speaking and performing. They are able to retell the story orally and when they have the phonic knowledge they are then able to do this in writing too. We will be learning actions to help us to retell the story and drawing story maps as well as using some of our phonic knowledge to write parts of the story. We will also have a go at creating our own versions of the story.
In maths we are learning about the properties of squares and rectangles. We will be identifying them in our classroom environment and making pictures using squares and rectangles. We will also be identifying times of day and sequencing activities.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Reception team