We hope you all had a lovely Christmas. The children have settled really well back into the new term.
This week has been our annual Arts Week. The children have enjoyed a range of workshops and art-based activities. Today Catherine from Tiny Tales and Tunes came to deliver workshops to our children. She told the children a story through music and movement. The children had lots of fun taking part in this. They also enjoyed the band Backchat Brass who came in to entertain us all with their groovy tunes. On Wednesday, the children experienced some live music from Chestra who brought in a wide range of instruments including a flute, saxophone, violin and harp which some of the children even got to play.
The children have been learning about Kente cloth patterns from Ghana in Africa. They have learned why this cloth is special (it was originally made for kings and queens) and how it is made. They have learned about how a loom works and have created their own Kente inspired artwork using patterns and paper weaving.
In maths this week we have been recapping the composition of numbers to 5 (2 numbers that make up a bigger number). We have looked again at how 5 is represented in different ways. We have also been reviewing 1 more and 1 less. The children have enjoyed creating number stories around the number 5. You could do this at home: collect 5 teddies or figures and then create 2 spaces for them, perhaps a den with cushions and a comfy chair. Can you tell a story about your teddies and where they are? eg 2 teddies decided to sit on the chair and read a story together while 3 teddies snuggled up in the den. 2 and 3 together make 5. How many different combinations of 5 can you come up with? You could try this with 4 or 3 teddies too.
In Understanding the World next week the children will be learning about how to look after our world. The children will learn about what happens to rubbish and how it affects our world. They will learn about recycling and composting and what sorts of things can be put into these bins. They will learn about what pollution is, study different images of pollution and think about how this makes us feel and what we could do to help. They will learn about what happens to plastic and how it can be very damaging to wildlife. We will be reading a story called Somebody Swallowed Stanley which you might like to share again at home. Here is a link to a reading of the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6CBMENGAo0
Next week in maths we will be learning how to work out the total of 2 groups. We will also be making numbers to 5 using not only 2 groups, but 3. We will be learning how to work out the missing number when working with numbers to 5 ie if there are 3 animals altogether and 2 are outside, how many are inside?
From Monday the children will be in new phonics groups. This is to help continue their progress in reading and writing. We appreciate your support in helping them to practise sounds and word reading at home.
From next week we will be sending home formation sheets to help support handwriting at home. If you have any questions about your child’s progress in phonics, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
Just a note about water bottles: as a healthy school we ask that the children have water in their bottles and not juice. Thank you for your support in this.
PE starts back up next week. RBA will be on a Wednesday and RC will be on a Thursday.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Reception team