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School Facilities

Farsley Springbank converted from a Junior School to a Primary School in September 2015.  Extensive building work took place which provided us with all the additional space we needed to be able to operate successfully.  Farsley Springbank provides a well -resourced, vibrant learning environment for children to thrive in throughout their primary years.

School Library

We have a dedicated space for our lovely school library.  All classes visit the library regularly to choose from a good quality range of books.  We use a librarian system to sign books in and out so children can take the books home.  We encourage all the children to read for pleasure as there is nothing better than losing yourself in a book!

Year 1 - Year 6 classrooms

All our classrooms are bright and attractive learning spaces with good quality furniture.  Every classroom has an interactive smartboard which is used to deliver engaging lessons.   

Reception classrooms

Our Reception classrooms can be set up as two separate classrooms but we usually have it set up as one large learning space; it is great to know the space can be adapted to best meet the needs of the children.  The areas of provision (construction, small world, role play, literacy, maths, phonics, creative, IT, sand and water) are set up across the large space for the children to explore and investigate during discovery learning times.  Toilets for Reception are within the classrooms so children can access them independently throughout the day.  The Reception classrooms have direct access to their own outdoor area so when in free flow, the children can decide whether to learn inside or outside. 

School field and playgrounds.

Our school has extensive secure grounds including a large school field, playgrounds and a school garden. 


We have three playgrounds; one is the dedicated space for Reception's outdoor learning which Year 1 also have access to during the day and at lunchtime.  We have a large playground behind the school, which includes some adventure playground equipment to encourage physical activity.  We also have a giant sand pit!  There is a further playground at the front of the school which provides the children with a quieter, less busy space to enjoy during playtime and lunchtimes.


Our school field is used throughout the year for PE lessons, after school sports clubs, sporting events and general play at lunchtime.

School wildlife area

We have a new wildlife area at the lower end of our school field.  There are paths leading down there so it can be accessed all year round by the children.  This area is used for outdoor learning sessions as well as at playtimes and lunchtimes.  The children love it!

School gardens

We have two garden areas.  Our main school garden is located at the front of the school and contains planting areas, a pond, a wild flower garden and a greenhouse. The children regularly have the opportunity to use the main school garden as it is open to them through lunchtime and playtime.  Our gardener works during some lunchtimes so the children are welcome to join her and help out if they wish. We run after school gardening clubs and enter the Veg Box competition at the Great Yorkshire Show every year.  The children also use these facilities during some of their learning challenges.


Reception have their own garden area within their outdoor area.  They have got their very own bug hotel, an area for planting and a mud kitchen.

Mobile technology

Ww have some mobile technology which comprises of 15 chromebooks for each class from Year 2 to Year 6 and 40 iPads than can be used to support the children’s learning within the classroom.

Chef's Corner

We have a dedicated kitchen for children to cook in.  All year groups use the kitchen for their cooking curriculum.  We run cooking clubs every term so children have the chance to practice their cooking skills.
