Our overarching aim at Springbank is to help children achieve the highest possible standards of written and spoken language by creating exciting and interesting lessons designed to spark and feed imagination. We ensure that children are given regular opportunities throughout the curriculum to read, write and speak enthusiastically in order to hone these skills.
Our teaching is centred around the use of high-quality challenging texts in all year groups. By allowing the children to immerse themselves in the written word we allow the text itself to open up learning. Age-appropriate texts of different styles are used to drive the learner’s natural curiosity. By developing a deep and rich understanding of the text this allows the children to produce rich answers to in-depth questioning whilst, at the same time, providing a platform upon which high-quality writing and speaking can be produced. Specific skills can then be taught in relation to the text which allows them to be better embedded in the children’s repertoire.
We are dedicated, through absorbing teaching and learning, to providing the children with a solid platform to gather and utilise the skills that will remain with them through life and ensure they are able to participate fully as a member of society.