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Murton Park Viking Experience 22.04.2024

Murton Park Viking Village 22.04.2024

On Monday, Year 6 kicked off the week with a day living the life of a Viking settler just outside Jorvik! Upon arrival at the settlement we were greeted by two members of the Village who warned us that the Lady of the Village was out and would only allow us to settle in her village if we proved we were hard workers. Sadly for us, M'Lady arrived back from her shopping trip earlier than expected and she put us to work straight away. The families all experienced being a potter, a guard, a baker and family life in the Viking Era - following the main characteristics of the Vikings - sailors, traders, raiders, settlers, farmers and crafters. We created tallow candle holders, practiced our shield and spear skills, ground our own flour and played Viking board games. Whilst practicing these skills - the village's emergency bell rang! We were under attack from an Anglo-Saxon. Luckily, our guarding skills came in useful and we fought him off and away he ran!! At the end of the day, M'Lady thought we were excellent workers and agreed that we would make excellent Viking Settlers. The day was an excellent introduction to our topic and we can't wait to learn more over the Summer term.
