This week we have been learning about toys and how they have changed over time. The children started the week by talking about their favourite toys. There were some lovely discussions about what things were made from, how they were played with and why they were special. The children have compared toys using different criteria and they have looked at and played with old toys. They have been comparing old and new toys and have thought about what toys might be like in the future!
In maths, we have been learning about subtraction and how we can take away using a number track and counting backwards. We have also revisited the idea that when we take away, our numbers get smaller and we end up with less. The children have enjoyed playing skittles outside. When they have knocked some down we have been finding out how many are left standing, eg We started with 10 and we knocked 3 over so now we have 7. We have 7 and we knocked 2 over so now we have 5. This is a great way to embed the idea that when things are taken away, the number gets smaller. If you have skittles, you may want to play this at home together. Or maybe you could make your own skittles using old cans or bottles.
We also had a visitor in this week performing an interactive show and running workshops. Hand To Mouth is a charity providing schools with creative and innovative learning opportunities informed by the RE curriculum. Elizabeth came in to teach the children about the Christian belief of the creation story. The children came up with super ideas about our wonderful world and the wonderful animals in it then they made animal puppets. They were thoroughly engaged in the experience and really enjoyed themselves.
Next week in maths we will be practising the skills of spatial reasoning. We will be positioning shapes to make new shapes, such as two triangles together to make a larger triangle, or two triangles to make a square. We will be rotating shapes to copy and create patterns. We will also be revisiting addition and subtraction using a range of methods and resources.
Next week is Health Week! We will be doing the Fun Run on Monday morning. Children can come dressed in their own clothes or fancy dress. As it is a run, long dresses are not appropriate. For the rest of the week, the children are invited to come into school wearing sports gear.
Please ensure your child has a sun hat and drink each day and sun cream applied if the weather is hot.
If you have not yet provided a cardboard cut out of your house, please could we have these in by Monday at the latest.
Thank you again for your continued support. Please feel free to continue to send any photos or videos of your child’s activities at home, as they really help to build a full picture of your child’s progress or experiences.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Reception Team