Year 2 have had a great first few weeks and it has been a joy to have them back with us in school! In maths, the children have been exploring place value by making and drawing lots of 2-digit numbers. They really enjoyed writing numbers in numerals and words on the playground in chalk. The children have already let their imaginations run wild in both reading and writing, creating exciting and imaginative sentences based on the books ‘Don’t Look in this Book’ and ‘Knock Knock, Who’s There?’
Both classes have also loved their first learning challenge of the year: ‘What are the significant events in the story of flight?’ Their fantastic geography skills were on display when they created their own maps using OS symbols and navigated themselves around the playground with compasses. In our most recent history lesson, they were all very excited to learn about the Wright Brothers first flight and they got to explore a model of the very first aeroplane!