During recent years, extreme weather conditions have had an impact on a school's capacity to remain open during the winter months. Many schools in Leeds have closed where the school site is deemed unsafe for families to access school before/after the school day and also where insufficient members of school staff have been able to get to school to guarantee the safety and well being of all pupils in school.
In recent years we have always managed to remain open. When we have extreme weather, each occasion must be assessed at that time. Whilst we will always endeavour to remain open during any period of wintry weather, please note the following procedures will be followed in terms of informing parents/carers as to whether the school is open or closed.
•A decision will be taken as early as possible and communications sent to all parties. We will try to do this by 7.30am at the latest. Any delay in making a decision will often be as a result of awaiting news of the respective car journeys of school based staff. Please do not attempt to contact school during this time as it is essential that phone lines remain open for this vital communication with staff.
•A notification message will be distributed to all parents and carers to inform you whether the school is open or closed. Please ensure that you have supplied your details to office staff in order that you can be included in any such urgent mailing.
•A second message will be posted on the School website.
•If we make the decision to close the school, we will notify Radio Aire/Radio Leeds so that they are able to include our school in their updated bulletins and on their website.
Please be assured that I would only take the decision to close our school in exceptional circumstances where your child's safety is the primary concern. Thank you for your cooperation during these difficult circumstances.