Hi Year 6!
We hope you have had a lovely Easter break at home. Our home-learning is set to continue for the coming weeks and there is a slight change in the way we are going to set work for the children.
We will be providing a 'Weekly Home Learning Grid' with fifteen tasks which your child will be able to complete at home. The tasks will cover a range of subjects and do not require any printing out. The idea is that you and your child can choose which tasks they would like to complete over the course of the week and that they can be completed at their own pace. The amount of time sitting and working on a task will vary from child to child but we suggest 30-45 minutes and they can always come back to a task if they need break!
The number of tasks your child completes in one week will be completely dependent on your circumstances. They may only complete one task a day or they may complete all fifteen tasks in the week. Please be flexible and realistic about what you and your child can achieve.
Alongside the Weekly Home Learning Grid, please continue to ensure that your child is doing daily reading at home. This is vital to their continued progress going forward as learners. Also, feel free to access the many online learning resources.
Please contact us by email if you have any questions or are struggling with any aspects of the home learning.
Keep your chins up guys,
Mr Chapman, Mrs Grime and Miss Brayshay