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Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety Policy Statement

The following statement sets out the health and safety objectives for Farsley Springbank Primary School.


Farsley Springbank Primary School:

  • Will take all reasonable steps to provide safe and healthy conditions for staff (including agency staff), pupils and others who may be affected by its activities.
  • Will take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation.
  • Will provide adequate resources to implement this policy including access to support from health and safety competent persons. Where necessary external specialist advice and assistance will be obtained.
  • Accepts that health, safety and well-being are an integral part of all its activities and will take steps to manage these effectively.
  • Expects all staff and pupils to co-operate in complying with all legal obligations and to take reasonable care of their own health, safety and well-being and have regard for the health, safety and well-being of others.
  • Is committed to providing the necessary information, instruction and training to all staff and pupils where applicable.
  • Acknowledges and actively supports the role and responsibilities of employee representatives and will give full co-operation to elected safety representatives of recognised trade unions to enable them to carry out their duties effectively.
  • Is committed to regular evaluation and review of its health and safety policy to ensure its objectives are met and, as necessary, to modifying the policy in light of new legislation and other changing circumstances.
  • Will review this health and safety policy document biannually.
  • Will set out full details for the organisation of, and arrangements for, the management of health, safety and well-being in the school.


The full policy is available below.
