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Summer 1 Week 6 24.5.24



We have reached the end of another half term! The children make us proud everyday with their perseverance and being the best they can be. They have all made super progress this over the past 6 weeks and are getting ready for their next step into Year 1 as we move into the last half-term of their reception year.


We had a great time at Abbey House museum on Wednesday, exploring the museum’s toy exhibitions, the Victorian town and taking part in the old toy workshops where children learnt about old toys, how they work and what they are made from. They were able to have a go playing with these old toys. The children behaved beautifully, asking some great questions and sharing their own knowledge of old and new toys. A big thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for the day.


This week in Understanding the World we have been thinking about what makes us special, what makes other people special and who are special people in religion. We have considered why Jesus is special to Christians and discussed bible stories that the children know about him. The children have had some really thoughtful and insightful ideas to share about this topic. They have created some lovely pieces of writing, reflecting their thoughts about special people in their lives and what makes them special.


In maths this week we have been recapping combinations of numbers to 10.


After the half term we will be recapping the properties of 2D shapes, how we can rotate these shapes and what effect this has and we will be thinking about shapes in different positions. We will be learning about tangrams and how to change the position and orientation of shapes to create new pictures and shapes.

Our topic after the half-term is all about minibeasts. Perhaps over the holidays you might like to find minibeasts in your garden or at the park. You may even have books about minibeasts or you might like to go to the library and see what you can find.


The children have been using Numbots in school over the last couple of weeks. They have been practicing logging on and having a go at speedily answering questions. Next half-term we will be awarding certificates for Numbots so if your child can access this fantastic Maths resource at home over the holidays and then going forward this will really help them to get lots of practice in speedy recall. Their Numbots username and password should be stuck into their reading record. If you don’t have it for some reason then please let us know and we will send it to you. You can access Numbots by typing in Numbots into google, clicking the link and then going to ‘pupils’ to log in. Otherwise, you can download the app which is much easier and quicker.


When we return, please continue to ensure your child has a sun hat and drink each day and sun cream applied if the weather is hot and also a rain coat just in case.


Thank you again for your continued support. Please feel free to continue to send any photos or videos of your child’s activities at home, as they really help to build a full picture of your child’s progress or experiences.


Have a great half term!

The Reception Team
