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Behaviour Principles Statement

Our Behaviour Principles statement has been drawn up by the Governing Body.  The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Head teacher in drawing up the behaviour policy by stating the principles which governors expect to be followed. The principles aim to underpin the governors’ duty of care to pupils and employees; promoting teaching and learning and high standards of attainment in a safe and caring environment for all.


Our children

All our children have:

  • The right to be listened to, be valued and to feel and be safe.

  • The right to learn without disruption.

  • Personal responsibility for their behaviour and actions


Our approach

  • We have a positive approach regarding behaviour wherein we acknowledge good behaviour and show mutual respect.

  • We consistently promote equality and have a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment, victimisation and bullying, whether face to face bullying or cyberbullying.

  • We apply the principles outlined in our behaviour policy consistently across the school whilst recognising and taking into account the needs of individual children such as those with SEN, disabilities, particular vulnerability or other individual circumstances.

  • We have effective communication systems to ensure all relevant persons are aware of the any action carried out in relation to inappropriate behaviours.

  • We offer early support for those children who find it more difficult to consistently display acceptable behaviours.

  • Where there are significant concerns regarding a child’s behaviour we seek to create positive relationships and an active partnership with parents and share the strategies used with the child when trying to promote good behaviour.

  • Where necessary we would create a Personalised Plan for any children who require additional support with their behaviour.

  • We will seek advice and support from outside agencies where appropriate.


Adults in school

  • Staff will ensure that all children understand what constitutes acceptable behaviour and showing respect.

  • All adults in school will display mutual respect and will model appropriate behaviour at all times.

  • Staff will keep up to date with current issues and will continually seek information regarding good practice and further strategies to further improve behaviour and attitudes.

  • All staff will follow the behaviour policy and the guidance within it.

  • Sanctions will be applied where necessary as outlined in the school’s behaviour policy and will seek to involve restorative practice.

  • Staff may use reasonable force in appropriate circumstances, and in accordance with Team Teach training, as outlined in the school’s Behaviour policy and Care and Control policy.

  • Staff have the power to discipline children beyond the school gate where appropriate *

  • Exclusions, especially those which are permanent, will only be used as a final resort when all other avenues have been explored or when there is a risk of danger to another pupil or adult within school.


*Behaviour policy is in line with DFE Behaviour and Discipline Advice for Headteachers and School Staff January 2016 - Teachers have the power to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside of the school premises “to such an extent as is reasonable”.
