Good morning Year 4! I cannot believe that we are in week 3 of our Summer 2 learning! It was fantastic to receive so many emails last week from you all talking about all of the ways in which you were trying to keep your bodies and your minds healthy. We received some lovely mindfulness pictures and posters about healthy eating that you can see on last week's wonderful work!
This week, our home learning grid is all about different habitats. There are activities on there for you to learn about different habitats around the world, what organisms need in order to survive and the most fun PE activity ever - pretending to be animals!
Your maths this week is again focusing on time, this week you are moving forward from learning about years, months and weeks to learning about hours, minutes and seconds and recapping how to tell the time.
Lots is going on in the world at the moment and it can be tough to hear and see things on the news that might be quite upsetting. At the end of May, Black Lives Matter protests began making headlines after the death of a man in America called George Floyd. This has seen a return to many people discussing racial injustices in the world. There is a separate home learning grid this week on our home learning page which is designed to help you understand more about the movement. Blue Peter have also created a video which explains racism and the Black Lives Matter movement well that you can watch to learn more about it.
You can find it here:
As always, myself and Miss Lax would love to see your work this week so please email it to us. Our zoom meetings are also taking place this afternoon and it would be lovely to see you all on them!
Take care,
Team Year 4