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Spring 2 Week 6 1.4.21



We have come to the end of our second term in reception! The children have all done so well in these challenging times, being in school then at home then back in school again! Fingers crossed the summer term is much more settled for us all.


This week in phonics, the children have continued to work well in their phonics groups, learning and recapping sounds, reading word books, ditties and story books. Thank you for your continued support in hearing your child read at home. Over the holidays, you might like to access the Oxford Owl online reading materials. Here is the link: You will need to join up and create a log in then you will be able to access lots of online books.


In maths, the children have been learning about mass and capacity. They have enjoyed weighing and comparing the weight of various objects using large and small scales. They have been using different containers to measure and compare capacity using language such as empty, half-full and full.

In understanding the world, we have been enjoying learning about Easter. The children have learnt about Christian beliefs, about Easter traditions and Easter in different parts of the world. They have taken part in an Easter Hunt and have enjoyed some Easter crafts too.


After the holidays, we will be building numbers beyond 10 and counting patterns beyond 10. Over the holidays, you might like to spot numbers in different places. Perhaps as you go on a walk, you might spot numbers on houses or you might talk about the age of different family members. You could also practise counting objects to 20. Can you show 12 as 10 and 2 or 16 as 10 and 6? You can also practise counting in 2s and 10s. After the holidays, we will be learning how to count in 5s too. We will also be beginning our topic all about plants. We will be understanding what plants are, what plants need to grow and we will be comparing different types of plants. Over the holidays, you might like to find plants at home or in your local area.


We hope you have a really lovely Easter and we look forward to lots of fun in our Summer term together.

Take care,

From the Reception Team
