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Eggs! 14.02.19

Eggsellent surprise


Yesterday we had a fantastic surprise in our classroom! We came back from lunch to find 2 chickens had invaded the classroom. They had also brought with them 6 eggs for us to look after. Deb’s from Eggucation, came to tell us all about the chickens and how to care for the eggs which we are keeping safe in an incubator for 21 days. She has left us everything we will need to look after the eggs and, if we are really lucky, the chicks will hatch after half term. She brought in two adult chicken to show us and gave us the opportunity to ask lots of questions and feed them too.


We will be looking after the eggs and chicks very carefully over the next 4 weeks and we are looking forward to doing lots of writing, fact finding and art linked to this theme.
