In art in the last couple of weeks, the Year 2 children learnt all about calligrams. A calligram is when a word is designed to create a visual image which represents the meaning of the word! The children had a go in their sketch books and tried out some of their own ideas, such as sport, curly, elephant, panda, happy and summer. Ask them if you are not sure… they are experts!
In geography, we have been learning about physical and human features. I thought that the children could have a go at creating a poster using their calligram skills to show the differences between physical and human features. Some of the children were getting mixed up with ‘human’ and ‘physical’ so a calligram can be a way to help them to remember which is which.
They should design the two main titles and then add in lots of text and pictures to show the differences between human and physical features. I used an A3 sheet folded in half, but A4 would do or they could even do this in their purple work book.
I really enjoyed making my poster below. I would love to see some of your calligram ideas.
From Mrs Simmonds.